Celebrity Trainer Bruce The Fit Boss Workout Plan

 For Bruce the fit boss personal training is not a job; it is his passion. He enjoys what he does and believes that his clients’ success is his also

Bruce fit Boss uses his fitness training experience and education to help others achieve their fit body goals. He has a long list of clients in 15 states as a personal trainer and fitness instructor, which include military personnel, body guards, professional fighters, other fitness trainers and private individuals.

Try This Fit Boss Workout. Always warm up at least 10 mins before any type of exercise routine. 

Reps & Sets - 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

Windshield Wipers
Leg Drop
6 Inches Count In Secs

Squat Front Kick
BP Squats
Touch Jumps
Push Up Punches
Cross Climbers
Hammer Curls
Shoulder Presses
Side Shoulder Raises 
